
class saspt.TrajectoryGroup(detections: pandas.DataFrame, pixel_size_um: float, frame_interval: float)

A set of trajectories to be analyzed with state arrays. TrajectoryGroup takes a raw set of trajectories produced by a tracking algorithm, such as quot, and performs some preprocessing steps to facilitate downstream calculations with state arrays. These include:

  • remove all singlets (trajectories with a single detection), unassigned detections, and detections before an arbitrary start frame

  • split long trajectories into smaller pieces, to minimize the effects of state transitions and tracking errors

  • reindex trajectories so that the trajectory indices are contiguous between 0 and n_tracks-1

The TrajectoryGroup object also provides some methods to get some general information about the set of trajectories via the raw_track_statistics and processed_track_statistics attributes. An example:

>>> import numpy as np, pandas as pd
>>> from saspt import TrajectoryGroup

# Simple set of three detections belonging to two trajectories
>>> detections = pd.DataFrame({
...     'frame': [0, 0, 1],
...     'trajectory': [0, 1, 0],
...     'y': [1.1, 2.2, 3.3],
...     'x': [3.3, 2.2., 1.1]
... })

# Imaging parameters
>>> kwargs = dict(pixel_size_um = 0.16, frame_interval = 0.00748)

# Make a TrajectoryGroup with these detections
>>> with TrajectoryGroup(detections, **kwargs) as TG:
...     print(TG)
n_detections:   2
n_jumps:    1
n_tracks:   1

# Show some information about the raw trajectories
...     print(TG.raw_track_statistics)
{'n_tracks': 2, 'n_jumps': 1, 'n_detections': 3, 'mean_track_length': 1.5,
'max_track_length': 2, 'fraction_singlets': 0.5, 'fraction_unassigned': 0.0,
'mean_jumps_per_track': 0.5, 'mean_detections_per_frame': 1.5,
'max_detections_per_frame': 2, 'fraction_of_frames_with_detections': 1.0}

# Show some information about the trajectories after preprocessing
...    print(TG.processed_track_statistics)
{'n_tracks': 1, 'n_jumps': 1, 'n_detections': 2, 'mean_track_length': 2.0,
'max_track_length': 2, 'fraction_singlets': 0.0, 'fraction_unassigned': 0.0,
'mean_jumps_per_track': 1.0, 'mean_detections_per_frame': 1.0,
'max_detections_per_frame': 1, 'fraction_of_frames_with_detections': 1.0}

In this example, notice that trajectory 1 only has a single detection. As a result, it is filtered out by the preprocessing step, since it contributes no dynamic information to the result.

__init__(self, detections: pandas.DataFrame, pixel_size_um: float, frame_interval: float, splitsize: int = DEFAULT_SPLITSIZE, start_frame: int = DEFAULT_START_FRAME)

Default constructor for the TrajectoryGroup object.

  • detections (pandas.DataFrame) –

    raw detections/trajectories produced by a tracking algorithm. Each row of the DataFrame represents a single detections. Must contain at minimum the following four columns:

    1. y: the y-coordinate of the detection in pixels

    2. x: the x-coordinate of the detection in pixels

    3. frame: the frame index of the detection

    4. trajectory: the index of the trajectory to which the detection has been assigned by the tracking algorithm

  • pixel_size_um (float) – size of camera pixels after magnification in microns

  • frame_interval (float) – time between frames in seconds

  • splitsize (int) – maximum trajectory length (in # of jumps) to consider. Trajectories longer than splitsize are broken into smaller pieces.

  • start_frame (int) – disregard detections before this frame. Useful for restrict analysis to the later, lower-density parts of an SPT movie.


new_instance (TrajectoryGroup)

property n_detections: int

Total number of detections after preprocessing.

property n_jumps: int

Total number of jumps (particle-particle links) after preprocessing.

property n_tracks: int

Total number of trajectories (sequences of detections connected by links) in this dataset.

property jumps: pandas.DataFrame

The set of all jumps (particle-particle links) in these trajectories. Each row corresponds to a single jump. Contains the following columns:

  • frame (saspt.constants.FRAME): frame index of the first detection participating in this jump

  • dframes (saspt.constants.DFRAMES): difference in frames between the second and first detection in this jump. For instance, if dframes == 1, then the jump is a link between detections in subsequent frames.

  • trajectory (saspt.constants.TRACK): index of the trajectory to which the detections in this jump have been assigned by the tracking algorithm.

  • dy (saspt.constants.DY): jump distance in the y-dimension (in microns)

  • dx (saspt.constants.DX): jump distance in the x-dimension (in microns)

  • dr2 (saspt.constants.DR2): mean squared jump distance in the xy plane. Equivalent to (dy**2 + dx**2) / dframes.

  • jumps_per_track (saspt.constants.JUMPS_PER_TRACK): total number of jumps in the trajectory to which this jump belongs


# Simple set of detections belonging to 3 trajectories
>>> detections = pd.DataFrame({
...    'trajectory': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
...    'frame':      [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1],
...    'y': [0., 1., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 3.],
...    'x': [0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 4., 0., 0.],
... })

# Imaging parameters
>>> kwargs = dict(pixel_size_um = 1.0, frame_interval = 0.00748)

# Make a TrajectoryGroup
>>> with TrajectoryGroup(detections, **kwargs) as TG:
...     print(TG.jumps)

   frame  dframes  trajectory   dy   dx  dr2  jumps_per_track
0      0        1           0  1.0  0.0  1.0                2
1      1        1           0  1.0  0.0  1.0                2
2      0        1           1  0.0  2.0  4.0                2
3      1        1           1  0.0  2.0  4.0                2
4      0        1           2  3.0  0.0  9.0                1
property jumps_per_track: numpy.ndarray, shape (n_tracks,)

Number of jumps per trajectory

property raw_track_statistics: dict

Summary statistics on the raw set of trajectories (i.e. the set of trajectories passed when constructing this TrajectoryGroup object).

These include:

  • n_tracks: total number of trajectories

  • n_jumps: total number of jumps

  • n_detections: total number of detections

  • mean_track_length: mean trajectory length in frames

  • max_track_length: length of the longest trajectory in frames

  • fraction_singlets: fraction of trajectories that have length 1 (in other words, they’re just single detections)

  • fraction_unassigned: fraction of detections that are not assigned to any trajectory (have trajectory index <0). May not be relevant for all tracking algorithms.

  • mean_jumps_per_track: mean number of jumps per trajectory

  • mean_detections_per_frame: mean number of detections per frame

  • max_detections_per_frame: maximum number of detections per frame

  • fraction_of_frames_with_detections: fraction of all frames between the minimum and maximum frame indices that had detections. If 1.0, then all frames contained at least one detected spot.

property processed_track_statistics: dict

Summary statistics on the processed set of trajectories (i.e. the set of trajectories after calling TrajectoryGroup.preprocess on the raw set of trajectories).

These are exactly the same as the metrics in raw_track_statistics.

class property statistic_names: List[str]

Names of each track summary statistic in TrajectoryGroup.raw_track_statistics and TrajectoryGroup.processed_track_statistics.

get_track_vectors(self, n: int) Tuple[numpy.ndarray]

Return the jumps of every trajectory with n jumps as a numpy.ndarray.


n (int) – number of jumps per trajectory


V (numpy.ndarray), track_indices (numpy.ndarray)

V is a 3D numpy.ndarray with shape (n_tracks, 2, n). V[:,0,:] are the jumps along the y-axis, while V[:,1,:] are the jumps along the x-axis.

track_indices is a 1D numpy.ndarray with shape (n_tracks,) and gives the index of the trajectory corresponding to the first axis of V.

Using the example from above:

# Simple set of detections belonging to 3 trajectories
>>> detections = pd.DataFrame({
...    'trajectory': [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
...    'frame':      [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1],
...    'y': [0., 1., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 3.],
...    'x': [0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 4., 0., 0.],

# Make a TrajectoryGroup
>>> TG = TrajectoryGroup(detections, pixel_size_um=1.0,
...     frame_interval=0.00748)
>>> print(TG)
n_detections:   8
n_jumps:    5
n_tracks:   3

# Get the jump vectors for all trajectories with 2 jumps
>>> V, track_indices = TG.get_jump_vectors(2)
>>> print(V)
[[[1. 1.]
  [0. 0.]]

 [[0. 0.]
  [2. 2.]]]

>>> print(track_indices)
[0 1]

# Get the jump vectors for all trajectories with 1 jump
>>> V, track_indices = TG.get_jump_vectors(1)
>>> print(V)

>>> print(track_indices)
subsample(self, size: int) TrajectoryGroup

Randomly subsample some number of trajectories from this TrajectoryGroup object to produce a new, smaller TrajectoryGroup object.


size (int) – number of trajectories to subsample


new_instance (TrajectoryGroup)


# A TrajectoryGroup with 3 trajectories
>>> print(TG)
n_detections:   8
n_jumps:    5
n_tracks:   3

# Randomly subsample 2 of these trajectories
>>> TG2 = TG.subsample(2)
>>> print(TG2)
n_detections:   5
n_jumps:    3
n_tracks:   2
classmethod from_params(cls, detections: pandas.DataFrame, params: StateArrayParameters) TrajectoryGroup

Alternative constructor that uses a StateArrayParameters object rather than a set of keyword arguments.

  • detections (pandas.DataFrame) – the set of detections to use

  • params (StateArrayParameters) – imaging and state array settings


new_instance (TrajectoryGroup)

Example usage:

>>> from saspt import StateArrayParameters, TrajectoryGroup
>>> params = StateArrayParameters(
...     pixel_size_um = 0.16,
...     frame_interval = 0.00748
... )
>>> TG = TrajectoryGroup.from_params(some_detections, params)
classmethod from_files(cls, filelist: List[str], **kwargs) TrajectoryGroup

Alternative constructor. Create a TrajectoryGroup by loading and concatenating detections directly from one or more files. The files must be readable by

  • filelist (List[str]) – a list of paths to files containing detections

  • kwargs – options to TrajectoryGroup.__init__


new_instance (TrajectoryGroup)

classmethod preprocess(cls, detections: pandas.DataFrame, splitsize: int = DEFAULT_SPLITSIZE, start_frame: int = DEFAULT_START_FRAME) pandas.DataFrame

Preprocess some raw trajectories for state arrays. This involves:

  • remove all singlets (trajectories of length 1), unassigned detections, and detections before start_frame

  • break large trajectories into smaller pieces that have at most splitsize jumps

  • reindex trajectories so that the set of all trajectory indices is contiguous between 0 and n_tracks-1

For most applications preprocess should not be called directly, and instead you should instantiate a TrajectoryGroup using one of the constructors.

  • detections (pandas.DataFrame) – indexed by detection. Must be recognize by

  • splitsize (int) – maximum trajectory length in jumps

  • start_frame (int) – disregard detections recorded before this frame. Useful to restrict attention to later frames with lower density.


processed_detections (pandas.DataFrame)